The Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament (HMMT) is an annual math tournament for high school students, held at MIT and at Harvard in alternate years. With 900 participants, HMMT is one of the largest math contests in the United States. It is run exclusively by MIT and Harvard students. Most of us participated in math contests in high school, and we try to incorporate what we liked best about those competitions into HMMT. We hope this will make the contest both challenging and entertaining for all the participants.
More detailed information about tournament events is available on our rules page. Problems, solutions, and results from past HMMT contests are also available. Please see our FAQ page more information on accommodations, directions, and contest and registration policies. To join our mailing list, click here. If you have any comments regarding HMMT,please email them to
If you are an MIT or Harvard student interested in helping either organize the tournament beforehand or run it on contest day, here's how to join the HMMT staff.
Thank you, and see you at HMMT!
Harvard University Department of Mathematics